43 years of promoting the safety of women, children, and youth in the Alberni Valley.

Sage Haven Society Shelf

Community-based Victim Support Services

Call: 250-724-7111 ext. 101

Sage Haven Society’s Community-based Victim’s Support Services (CBVS) program provides critical incident response, emotional support, practical assistance and referrals, criminal justice information, and safety planning for women, men, youth, and children who are victims of family and sexual violence.

The program coordinator can assist clients with the following:

  • Court orientations, trial, and sentencing preparation
  • Interviews with the RCMP and judicial hearings
  • Updates of the status of investigations and court proceedings
  • Forms such as Protection Orders, Victim Impact Statements, Crime Victim Assistance applications and Victim Safety Unit registration
  • Third party reports for sexual assaults
  • Safety planning
  • Referrals to other programs and agencies for continued support